Medical Consultation

Singapore Thong Chai Medical Institution provides free medical services and medicines to everyone that walks in for medical consultation, regardless of race, religion or nationality.

We provide TCM internal medicine and acupuncture services. Apart from general consultations, the institution also provides TCM services in six special disciplines namely Acupuncture for stroke and pain management, Metabolism, Oncology, Fertility, Kidney Disease, and Pediatrics.

The institution currently employs more than 50 over MOH-registered and qualified physicians to provide free TCM outpatient consultations for the public with the support of dispensary and administrative staff. More than 1300 patients benefit from the institution’s medical services daily.


  1. As mandated by the Ministry of Health, any patient seeking TCM services at our institution must have one of the following identity documents for registration: NRIC, passport, work permit, student pass, birth certificate or patient card. Patients without any of the identity documents listed will not be registered.
  2. Registration is on a first come first served basis. To ensure fair chances for all walk-in patients, and to minimize disruptions to operations when number is called but patient is yet to be present, our institution requires patients to be present for registration. Strictly no registration on behalf is allowed.
  3. Patients should behave in an orderly manner, abide by our rules, and treat our staff with mutual respect. The institution reserves the right to refuse TCM services to any patient who behaves unreasonably, refuses to cooperate with our staff and physicians or fails to abide by our rules. Serious cases may be referred to the police.
  4. Patients shall comply with physicians’ professional judgement. Patients are not allowed to instruct physicians on TCM management approach, physicians’ have the right to reject services for such patients.
  5. To prevent unnecessary wastage of resources, patients are to finish the given number of days of medicine before they can return for a follow-up.
  6. Special clinic patients who receive herbal medicine are allowed to visit once a week.

    For most conditions, patients are only allowed to receive acupuncture once a week. Acupuncture may be allowed up to twice a week, subjected to the attending physicians’ judgement.

  7. Emergencies (such as trauma from accidents, fractures, etc.) or infectious diseases (HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis etc.) are not within our scope of management.
  8. The institution will not be held responsible if patient undergoes self-treatment, or accept other forms of treatment concurrently, or if patient does not heed physician’s instructions.
  9. Our institution is a charitable organization. All staff of the institution are not allowed to accept any tips/ red packets from patients. But donors are welcome to make their contributions into the donation box for our institution’s medical funds.
  10. Patients may not peddle healthcare products, medicines or other items in our premises.