
1) Background
The effectiveness of TCM in the prevention and management of pediatric diseases has generally been recognized by parents. TCM management for children is safe and pain-free, whilst effectively relieving symptoms and enhancing children’s health. To cater to the increasing demands of pediatric services, STCMI set up its Pediatric outpatient clinic in November 2020. In addition to herbal remedies, external therapies, such as pediatric massage, auricular beads and acupuncture, are also offered. We aim to provide professional TCM management suited for each child and to help them maintain their best health condition.

2) Scope of services

  • Respiratory disorders: Influenza, cough, bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis
  • Digestive disorders: Constipation, diarrhea, stomachache, poor appetite, indigestion
  • Developmental issues: Bedwetting, night terrors, puberty issues
  • Others: Hives, eczema, excessive sweating
  • 3) TCM management

    (a) Pre-requisite for TCM management
    For patients age 0-16
    Please bring these for the first visit:

  • Full medical report (if any)
  • Current western prescription
    (b) TCM management method

  • Herbal remedies: Herbal medication will be prescribed according to child’s illness and constitution.
  • Pediatric massage: Massage and acupressure are combined for TCM management and prevention of diseases. Suited for children age 6 and
  • below only.
  • Auricular beads: Ear seeds are used to stimulate pressure points on the ear to help with a range of health issues.
  • Acupuncture: Acupuncture will be recommended depending on individual condition.