General Acupuncture

Background of Acupuncture service

Acupuncture is a medical technique unique to Traditional Chinese Medicine. Through the use of needling, it serves to improve blood circulation, regulate qi and blood, eliminate pathogenic factors, triggering the activity of body’s healing ability and natural painkillers.

However, during an acupuncture session, less than 5% of patients may experience unusual symptoms such as bleeding, pain, bruising, fainting spells, scalds, bending or breaking of needle etc. Therefore, it is necessary for our patients and their family members to be informed of these potential risks.

Normal Reaction During Acupuncture session

    Sensations of aches, numbness, swelling and heaviness, known as needling “acuesthesia”

Possible Reactions After Acupuncture session

  • May experience pain, aches, numbness, tenderness, and/or muscle twitch.
  • May result in slight bruising.
  • May cause slight bleeding when the needle is withdrawn.
  • May experience slight palpitation or sweating.
  • May cause blisters if overheated while using heating lamp.
  • Pain, aches, swells and bruises generally resolves quickly without additional medical attention. In the event of bleeding when the needle is removed, apply pressure with a dry sterilized cotton ball until bleeding is stopped.

    In the events of small blisters, keep the affected area clean and avoid bursting to prevent possible open wound infection. They are usually absorbed and resolved after a few days.

    If the patient is, anxious, overly tensed or hungry, he/she may experience discomfort such as dizziness, faint, weakness, nausea, palpitation, cold sweats or generalized discomfort. Shoud this happen, alert the physician for medical attention immediately. In most cases, patients will recover after lying flat and elevating their legs.

    Risk Analysis

    Acupuncture has more than two thousand years of history. Apart from the slight prick and discomfort experienced during acupuncture session, acupuncture is generally very safe with minimal side effects.

    What Do You Need To Do

    Under normal circumstances, no accident would occur in the course of acupuncture session; even then, we will seek your understanding for the principles and the methods of acupuncture in the event an accident occurs. Therefore, we require you to sign an informed consent form.

    Acupuncture is not advised and may be rejected from if the patient is emotionally unstable, anxious and tense, having a flu or came on an empty stomach.

    Physician’s Responsibility

    The physician will never administer needles on you unilaterally without your written consent. The physician will also not act negligently just because he has the signed document; on the contrary, the physician shall carry out his duties meticulously and conscientiously as the embodiment of noble conduct in the spirit of service to the patients.

    Patient’s Privacy and Confidentiality

    If the patient is diagnosed with any of the following conditions, it must be disclosed to the physician:

  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • High cholesterol
  • Heart disease
  • Skin Disease
  • Kidney disease
  • Cancer
  • Pregnancy
  • AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome)
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Hepatitis
  • Tuberculosis
  • Seizures
  • Abnormal bleeding
  • Cardiac pacemaker
  • Any other medical history
  • All patient details are strictly confidential and are handled in compliance with Personal Data Protection Act. No personally identifiable information shall appear in any medical literature, should they be used for academic research purposes.

    Limitation on Acupuncture visits in STCMI

    All illnesses:

    For most conditions, patients are only allowed to receive acupuncture once a week (Monday to Saturday). However, more sessions may be required for acute or complicated conditions. Subjected to the attending physician’s diagnosis, patients can be allowed up to twice a week.


    For more enquiries, please consult your attending physician.