
Eye floaters are dark shapes that drift across your field of vision. They can appear as dark spots, threads, rings, or even little cobwebs. Most people experience floaters that come and go, and are usually a sign of ageing. As we grow older, small clumps of vitreous (a jelly-like substance inside the eye) detach from the inner wall of the eyes and float within the cavity, casting tiny shadows on the retina and appearing as floaters.

Almost everyone develops floaters at some point in time as we age, but certain conditions put patients at a higher risk. Risk factors include:

  • Age older than 40
  • High degree myopia
  • Eye infections or eye injury
  • Bleeding within the eye
  • Retinal conditions
  • Diabetic retinopathy
  • History of cataract surgery
  • Although floaters are common and mostly benign, it can also be an indication of more serious eye conditions, such as retina tear or retinal detachment. If you notice a sudden increase in the number of floaters, especially when accompanied with light flashes or loss of peripheral vision, seek medical attention immediately!

    Benign floaters do not require western medical interventions. However, it does not hurt to pay more attention to proper eye care. Basic lifestyle changes can go a long way in maintaining healthy eyes.

  • Ensure adequate sleep
  • Avoid excessive eye strain and prolonged usage of electronic devices
  • Maintain a distance of 40 to 60cm from electronic screens
  • Minimize use of irritant eye products
  • Hydrate often and maintain a healthy diet with fruits and vegetables rich in Vitamins A and B
  • According to TCM theory, the liver is most closely related to the health of our eyes. It is believed that liver blood is responsible for keeping the eyes nourished. As such, imbalance in the liver function can manifest in symptoms like dry eyes, eye fatigue, thirst, night sweats and hot flushes. We thus recommend the Wolfberry-Chrysanthemum tea. Not only can it improve your eye health, it is also a pleasant tea to enjoy early in the morning to start off your day!

  • Ingredients: Wolfberry 10g, Chrysanthemum 3g
  • Method: Add boiling water to the herbs and steep for 15mins before serving warm as tea.
  • Functions: Nourishes yin and blood, dispels heat and wind, improves vision
  • If you are keen on a relaxing eye massage to relieve stress after a long day, here are some acupoints you can focus on! Massage each point gently for 10-15 minutes daily.

  • Jingming: Located slightly above the inner canthus of the eye
  • Chengqi: Located directly below the pupil, between the eyeball and the eye socket
  • Tongziliao: Located at the outer canthus of the eye
  • Cuanzhu: Located at inner end of the eyebrow
  • Yuyao: Located in the middle of the eyebrow, directly above the pupil
  • Sizhukong: Located at the outer end of the eyebrow
  • Massage each acupoint for 10 to 15mins every day
  • Health Education