
On 18th September 2022, Singapore Thong Chai Medical Institution (STCMI) celebrated its 155th year of establishment by hosting a charity dinner at Marina Bay Sands Expo and Convention Centre, Sands Grand Ballroom. It was a privilege to have Minister of Health (MOH) Mr. Ong Ye Kung to grace the event as Guest of Honour. Many distinguished guests were present, namely Members of Parliament Ms. Nadia Ahmad Samdin, Mr. Murali Pillai, Ms. Yeo Wan Ling, Ms. Tin Peiling, Mr. Yip Hon Weng, Advisor to Aljunied GRC Mr. Chua Eng Leong, Grassroots Adviser to Sengkang GRC Mr. Koh Juay Meng, Dr. Teo Ho Pin, Mr. Ang Hin Kee, Mr. Ang Moh Seng, Registrar of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners Board Prof. Lim Shih Hui, President of Singapore Chinese Physicians’ Association Dr. Teo Eng Kiat, STCMI Life Honorary Chairmen Mr. Tan Cheng Gay, Mr. Lew Chee Beng, and Mr. Sim Hoay Cheok, as well as many other well-respected leaders in society. With a turnout rate of more than 2000 guests, it was the largest event ever held in the company’s history.

Over the past 2 years, Covid-19 pandemic has loomed over the globe and greatly disrupted all sectors. Unsurprisingly, our charity organization was not spared either. In order to sustain clinical operations, we sincerely appealed for public support to fund our cause. This year’s dinner took on the theme of “Be the light at the end of this pandemic”, encouraging giving in times of need. As part of the fringe activities, several eye-catching themed backdrops were installed outside the ballroom, allowing guests to gather for the picture perfect.

Emcee of the event, Ms. Tung Soo Hua, initiated the celebration through a repertoire of song and dance performances. After which, STCMI Chairman Yeo Eng Koon delivered a heartfelt speech, mentioning the great efforts the institution has painstakingly put in to foster growing talents, to actively promote TCM clinical research and education, and to enhance professional development of TCM practitioners (TCMPs) through standardized career progression pathways and remunerations. The institution hopes to establish proper career guidelines and structure for the TCM community. Despite the new directions and goals, Chairman Yeo emphasized that STCMI still regards clinical operations as its utmost priority, and will continue to source for new revenues to fund its ground work.

Subsequently, Minister Ong Ye Kung addressed the audience and highlighted that MOH has set up two workgroups in collaboration with local TCM groups and organizations in 2021 to look into TCM Clinical Training Programme (CTP) and TCM Career and Remuneration Guidelines (CRG). This is to strengthen TCMPs’ clinical standards and to equip them with essential skills to conduct outpatient consultations confidently. Minister Ong pointed out that CRG aims to provide a structured career progression and remuneration framework to improve the recognition of TCMPs in clinical practice. The workgroup recommended a four-tier career progression, encouraging TCMPs to constantly upgrade and raise their professional standards. Minister Ong also revealed that MOH is looking into the inclusion of highly competent TCMPs in the national healthcare system, attending to the varied needs of a Healthier SG.

After his speech, Minister Ong then presented appreciation plaques to the 18 major donors in recognition of their generous donations towards this event’s fundraising target. Minister was then invited to a photo session with 16 STCMI physicians who received their Certificate of Professional Title. The institution also gave a special Chinese Calligraphy to Minister Ong at the end of the session. This was followed by the cake-cutting and wine-toasting ceremonies. The board of directors went onstage to toast all guests for their kind support. Guests reveled in a series of classic songs and elegant dance performances while enjoying the sumptuous dishes.

After his speech, Minister Ong presented appreciation plaques to 18 major donors in recognition of their generous donations. Minister was then invited to a photo session with 16 STCMI physicians who received their Certificate of Professional Title. In turn, the institution gifted a Chinese calligraphy to Minister Ong as a token of appreciation. This was followed by cake-cutting and wine-toasting ceremonies. The board of directors went onstage to toast all guests for their kind support. Guests reveled in a series of classic songs and elegant dance performances while enjoying the sumptuous dishes.

Nearing the end of the event, STCMI Vice Chairman Mr. Teo Kek Yeng took the stage to express STCMI’s gratitude to everyone who had contributed in one way or another to our operations and fundraising campaigns. He reported that STCMI raised approximately S$4.1 million through this dinner event, greatly exceeding the initial S$3 million target.

STCMI is extremely thankful to have the generous and unwavering support from the public. The institution will continually uphold its vision and mission to provide free TCM services to all, while pursuing professional excellence in our practice.

GOH Minister Ong Ye Kung takes a group photo with the board of directors



Arrival of GOH Minister Ong Ye Kung



Launch the "155 Years of Thong Chai Medical Institution" commemorative publication.



GOH Minister Ong Ye Kung and STCMI Chairman Yeo Eng Koon take a group photo with STCMI physicians who received the Certificate of Professional Title



Celebration of Thong Chai 155th Anniversary



A Wine Toasting Session



Presentation of Calligraphy works to Minister Ong Ye Kung